Compensation in a Personal Injury Case

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If you were hurt in an accident, you need to learn about personal injury compensation, also known as damages. Nevada has several laws that govern the types of damages you can ask for. We highly recommend you contact a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer to discuss the damages relevant to your case and their possible value. When you decide to go through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit, you do not want to lowball or exaggerate your demand for compensation.

Our attorneys at Oronoz & Ericsson, LLC have years of experience calculating personal injury damages. Call us at (702) 878-2889 or use our online form to schedule a free consultation. We will explain the types of damages available and how we determine the value of your claim.

Client Reviews

"Great people to deal with"

Great people to deal with. They did a great job with the work. Rachael Stewart does a great job. If you need an attorney I recommend these folk for sure.

Douglas A.

"Earlier this year I was traveling with my family"

Earlier this year I was traveling with my family when we were hit at a high speed by a drunk driver. The impact was so severe that my car was thrown completely off the road…

Bob G.

"I am extremely grateful to Jim"

I am extremely grateful to Jim, the other lawyers in his office, as well as his entire staff for helping me with my personal injury case. Attorney client privilege as all about trust and privacy….

Beckie B.
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Personal Injury Damages

If you are hurt because of someone else’s actions, you may have the right to compensatory damages, which are meant to reimburse you for physical, emotional, and financial injuries. These damages can be broken down into economic and non-economic damages.

Punitive damages are available in rare cases. Instead of compensating you, these are meant to punish the wrongdoer and dissuade them from acting that way again. Most injury victims do not receive punitive damages. Courts only grant them in egregious situations.

Economic Damages

A significant portion of a personal injury settlement or award is economic damages. These are expenses or losses you have endured because of your injuries.

Economic damages include:

At Oronoz & Ericsson Injury Lawyers, we work closely with you to track all of your financial injuries during a personal injury case. We have years of experience calculating these damages. We won’t overlook anything.

Calculating Economic Damages

Calculating the value of these damages is relatively straightforward. We will use your bills to add up your expenses. We will contact your employer for a statement regarding your lost wages. We can work with an expert to calculate your future medical costs or reduced earning potential in more complex cases.

Is There a Limit on Economic Damages?

No, Nevada does not limit how much you can receive for your economic damages. We will fight for you to receive full and fair compensation for these injuries.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are for your genuine, but sometimes invisible, injuries.

Non-economic damages include:

You do not have to suffer a physical injury to recover compensation for non-economic injuries. However, it is much harder to demand payment without proof of a bodily injury. When you can make a connection between your physical and emotional injuries, you have a greater chance of recovering compensation and maximizing your settlement or award.

Calculating Non-Economic Damages

These damages are much harder to calculate and prove, which is why we recommend working with an experienced Nevada, personal injury attorney. We work closely with you and your medical providers to establish your pain and suffering and other non-economic damages. Evidence of these damages may include mental health care records, journal entries, photos of your injuries, treatment and recovery, videos, and witness testimony.

You do not want to under-or over-value your non-economic damages. Under-valuing them could lead you to accept a low settlement offer. Over-valuing them could make it difficult to negotiate a fair resolution with the insurance company and delay receiving compensation.

A common way to calculate non-economic damages is to use a multiplier of your compensatory damages. We may use a number between 1 and 5, depending on your injuries’ nature and severity. For example, if you suffered severe injuries and your compensatory damages amount to $100,000, we may multiply that figure by 3 to reach a total of $300,000.

Another method is per diem, which is a daily rate. We may ask that you receive a certain amount of compensation for each day of your recovery.

The insurance company will have a formula for determining non-economic damages. Each side comes to their conclusion, and then we usually negotiate a fair middle ground.

Is There a Limit on Non-Economic Damages?

In most cases, no, Nevada does not limit how much you can receive for non-economic damages. The law simply requires them to be reasonable.

An exception is for medical malpractice cases. You can only receive up to $350,000 for pain and suffering in a medical malpractice case. Another exception is for claims against a government employee who was negligent within the scope of their employment. You can only receive up to $100,000 against a government employee.

Punitive Damages

To win punitive damages, you have to prove more than ordinary negligence. In Nevada, a court can only award these exemplary damages if you prove the other person’s conduct involved fraud, malice, oppression, or the conscious disregard for their actions’ harmful consequences.

Nevada law caps punitive damages at $300,000 if your compensatory damages are less than $100,000, or three times the amount of your compensatory damages if they are $100,000 or more. There are exceptions to this cap, though. In some cases, like against a drunk driver or the manufacturer of a defective product, you can receive whatever punitive damages the court believes are appropriate.

Contact Us About Personal Injury Compensation

When you are dealing with accident-related injuries, it is important to receive as much compensation as possible. You have medical bills on top of your regular expenses to pay. We know you need a settlement or court award to avoid using all your savings or going into debt. We are here to help. Reach out to Oronoz & Ericsson, LLC through our online form or (702) 878-2889 to set up a free consultation.