We often think of the crime of trespassing as entering or walking onto another’s property without the permission of the owner. Trespassing may also apply to crimes involving prostitution or sex crimes.
With so many casinos in our city, arrests for trespassing happen with great frequency. Have you been charged? It is important that you know what your rights are and find counsel from Las Vegas criminal defense lawyers to come to your defense. Hiring the right Las Vegas trespassing attorney is a big decision.
The security at casinos is strict and always vigilant. Each day, prostitutes are located on the premises and subsequently removed. Some casinos impose a ban on the prostitute for some time, but it may also be permanent. If that individual returns, then he or she can be arrested for trespassing.
Trespassing is a misdemeanor under Nevada Law and carries numerous penalties:
For a first-time offender, trespassing will not usually lead to a jail sentence as it is considered more of a nuisance type of offense rather than violent. However, subsequent charges, especially from premises that have already imposed a ban on the individual may only enhance the penalties. A conviction for trespassing in conjunction with prostitution only increases the severity of the penalties. Whatever your particular circumstances may be, it is important you find counsel from a Las Vegas criminal trespass attorney right away to begin working on your defense.
Oronoz and Ericsson has decades of gaining successes for clients. Our Las Vegas criminal defense firm has handled a vast number of serious criminal cases. In that time, we have achieved an incredible number of “not guilty” verdicts for our clients. Every case that comes to us, whether or not it goes to trial, is handled thoroughly and professionally. We go the extra mile to help preserve our client’s’ rights.