What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. That’s not exactly true for injuries; the pain, bills, and other unpleasant consequences of a slip and fall accident are sure to follow you home. In Las Vegas, hotels and casinos see more than their fair share of slips, trips, and falls. If you sustain an injury in a Las Vegas business, it’s important to know what your options are and take the right steps.
Call our personal injury attorneys if you’ve been injured in a hotel or casino in Las Vegas or Henderson. We can be reached at (702) 878-2889 or via our online contact form.
Common Causes of Slips, Trips, and Falls in Hotels and Casinos
Slip and fall accidents can occur anywhere in a hotel, but they are particularly common in hotel bathrooms, where poor maintenance can cause leaks that lead to falls. Slips, trips, and falls are also frequently caused by slick poolside floors. Busy hotel bars see plenty of slip and fall accidents, especially during tourist season, when staff members may not have enough time to respond promptly to spills.
Casino accidents can cause serious damage to visitors. Frayed carpet is often not visible to the naked eye, and it often causes slips, trips, and falls. Other causes include uneven stairwells, power cords left across walkways, cracked tiles, defective handrails, and uneven pavement.
Injuries Caused by Slip and Fall Accidents
In most cases, a slip and fall accident leads only to minor pain and injuries that heal on their own. However, there are situations in which victims suffer life-changing injuries after a fall. Those at particular risk are elderly patrons, for whom a broken bone can cause permanent mobility loss.
Muscle sprains, muscle strains, broken bones, and abrasions can all occur after a fall. If you hit your head on the floor, stairwell, or a piece of furniture, traumatic brain injury is also possible.
Nevada Laws Regarding Personal Injury Claims
Laws for personal injury claims vary from state to state, so it’s important to know Nevada laws if you are injured while traveling. Nevada has a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases. While the statute of limitations is technically two years, you should begin your personal injury claim as soon as possible after an incident. The longer you wait to start a claim, the more likely it is that valuable evidence will be lost or discarded, leaving you without a solid case.
In premises liability claims, several conditions have to exist for a victim to recover damages. All of these must be proven:
- The defendant/property owner was responsible for the property when the fall occurred
- The victim was permitted to be on the premises when the accident occurred
- There were dangerous or unsafe conditions present at the time of the accident
- The defendant either knew about the unsafe conditions, could reasonably have been expected to know about the conditions, or caused the dangerous conditions
- The dangerous conditions were directly responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries
If you look at each of these requirements individually, it rules out quite a few claims. For example, if the plaintiff was not permitted to be on the premises at the time of the accident, they cannot seek damages. This includes injuries caused during break-ins or trespassing. The requirement that dangerous conditions be present accounts for injuries caused by a person’s natural clumsiness. Someone is not entitled to damages simply because they fall and get hurt on someone else’s property. If they are drunk, inattentive, or just clumsy, the property owner may not be responsible for damages. Your personal injury attorney will determine whether or not you have a valid claim under these requirements.
Nevada laws have a comparative negligence rule. If the plaintiff in a case is partially responsible for their own injuries or the fall, they may still be able to seek damages if they are less than 50% responsible for the fall. This could affect the value of your claim, particularly if the property owner’s legal team is able to prove that you should have noticed the obstruction or were not paying attention while walking.
Damages for Slip and Fall Accidents
The damages you are entitled to depend largely on the severity of your injury and how much it impacts your life. You may be able to ask for damages related to:
- Medical bills, including ambulance transportation, medication copays, emergency care copays, and other medical expenses
- Lost wages if you are required to take time away from work to heal
- Lost future income if your injury permanently limits your ability to work
- Pain and suffering
- Assistance required for tasks at home, such as laundry or cleaning
Reach Out to Oronoz & Ericsson Injury Lawyers Now
Contact the team at Oronoz & Ericsson promptly after your accident to determine whether or not you have a claim and to plan your next step. While you focus on recovering from your injuries, we can handle the legal aspects of your injury. Fill out our contact form or call us at (702) 878-2889 to get started.