Your attorney will gather as much information as possible to support your claim after a car accident. That includes interviewing eyewitnesses (see our top questions to ask a car accident witness). Their statements will be necessary to prove what happened and who is at fault.
It’s important to remember that you are also a witness to what happened. Other parties may try to ask you questions. It’s okay to give them your name, contact information, and insurance information, but stop there. Do not answer questions or admit fault in any way. Anything you say could be used against you.
If you were injured in a car accident, you need someone to take control of your claim. Our personal injury attorneys can do that for you. Call us today at (702) 878-2889 or use our online contact form to reach out.
Identifying Witnesses To Your Accident
It’s essential to get the names and contact information of everyone at the scene of your accident. You should identify any drivers, passengers, and those who may have been standing nearby. Anyone in the vicinity may have seen what happened.
Immediately after your accident, if you’re able, you should talk to the people standing around the scene. Ask them if you can take a picture of their photo ID. If they refuse, just get their name and phone number or email address. Make sure you verify it with them. You must have this information for later use in your claim.
If you’re unable to collect the information, we may get it from the police report. When you call 911 to report your accident, a police officer will come to the scene and complete a report. That report will have important information, including the names of any witnesses and what they say happened before, during, and after the crash.
How Will We Interview Witnesses?
Our first interaction with witnesses will be casual. Your attorney at Oronoz & Ericsson will call them and ask what they think they saw during the accident. We may ask them if it’s okay to record their statement for later use as well. We may also ask them to write down their statement.
After we file an insurance claim, we will have to get a more formal statement. If we have filed a personal injury lawsuit, we may even depose them during a deposition . A deposition is a meeting of all parties where the witness statement is recorded, and both parties can ask questions. This is part of the discovery process.
How Will Information From the Witness Help My Case?
The witness can help us determine precisely what happened in your accident. They can provide information about speed, weather, road conditions, and more. It’s crucial to collaborate the facts of the accident to prove who is at fault.
Once we show who is at fault in your accident, we can focus on legal liability. The insurance company of the at-fault driver will be legally or financially liable. That means they will pay compensation for the losses that occurred as a result of the accident.
Oronoz & Ericsson Injury Lawyers Can Get Information From the Witnesses
It’s essential to identify the witnesses and get their statements as quickly as possible. People forget things, and we will want to get the information they know before it is forgotten.
Call Oronoz & Ericsson Injury Lawyers at (702) 878-2889 to get started on your claim today.